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5 things that could be causing your poor mobile phone signal

causes of poor mobile signal

Here are the top 5 main reasons behind poor mobile signal connections.

The dreaded loading screen. This is the twenty-first century and getting stuck without a connection to the rest of the world is a no-go. Who likes paying a monthly tariff only to miss calls and feel shut off from the people you love? No-one.
But in a country that aims to increase its connectivity to 95% before 2025, why are there still so many not-spots? And what can you do to improve your mobile signal if you’re stuck without?
Let’s start answering those questions by looking at the five most common causes of poor mobile signal and bad reception.

5. Low battery

Did you know that low battery doesn’t just mean you could run out of juice at any moment, but that you could experience reduced mobile signal too? As your battery lowers, so does the device’s capability to maintain a signal.



4. Distance from a signal tower

You won’t be surprised to hear that the further you are from a signal tower, the weaker the mobile signal to your device. As you’d expect, it’s a much more common problem in the countryside and less urban areas.

3. Crowded signal towers

The more people that are competing for a slice of 3G or 4G from the nearest signal tower, the less likely you are to get a good connection. If you’ve ever been to a festival, you’ve probably noticed this phenomenon already.

And in the era of the pandemic, you might have experienced the effects of a congested network as more people kick back with Netflix too!

2. Outdoor obstructions

There are all sorts of things that can get in the way of you getting good mobile signal. For example, trees, hills, tall buildings and anything else that can interrupt the direct line of sight between you and the nearest cell tower; all of which weaken your connection.


1. Indoor obstacles

It’s not just outdoor obstructions that throw a spanner in the works, but indoor clutter too. Old, thick walls and many modern building materials – like fibreglass, plasterboard, wood, glass, masonry and metal – can slow or stop mobile signal reaching your device. Ironically, the more modern and energy-efficient the material, the more likely it is to block signal! Find out which building materials are worst for mobile signal here.

So how do you solve the problem?

It’s pretty simple really. Either you wait, and hope that the major networks come through on their promises to improve signal across the majority of the country over the next four years.
Or you take matters into your own hands and make absolutely certain that you always stay connected.
Using legal and certified mobile signal boosters, you can ensure great mobile signal, no matter where you’re located, no matter how many modern materials were used to make your home or office, no matter how many hills there are between you and the nearest tower.
We use Nextivity CEL-FI technology to ensure a great connection between your coverage unit and a booster that we’ll place in an area where mobile signal is super strong. The result? Better mobile signal without any need for an Internet connection.
If you’d like to turn your mobile signal problems around and make sure you’re never cut off from the rest of the world, talk to Signal Solutions about a 100% legal mobile signal booster.
Give us a call on 020 3823 7365 if you’d like to know more.
Picture of Michelle Lenan
Michelle Lenan
Apart from officially being the most enthusiastic member of the Signal Solutions team, Michelle plays a key role in our mission to fix the UK's mobile signal problem. She spends her days creating blog posts and spreading the word across our social media platforms.
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