The last couple of years have been super busy for the team at Signal Solutions.
The engineering team has expanded (a few waist lines have also expanded … we blame the coffee and cakes) and overnight our office got smaller! Well obviously it didn’t, but it certainly felt that way!
Slowly but surely the stock room and workshop have taken over and the management team have been disappearing into stacks of stock and techy signal solving equipment (also known as CEL-FI signal boosters).
So it was time to say goodbye to the beautiful barn that has been our HQ since day one and move onto pastures new (insert several crying emojis).
It’s not been an easy decision. We loved, and we mean LOVED our old office barn.
Everyone that visited us walked through the door expressing ‘oh what a lovely office you have’. So we know how very lucky we have been to solve the nation’s signal problems from such an inspiring environment. Not to mention our fantastic landlords who we are proud to now call friends. We are truly grateful for these past few years.
So where next for Signal Solutions?
Another BARN!!!
Yup. We just can’t help it. We love a barn. This one is as stunning and charming as our last barn but it’s significantly bigger!

No longer will we be searching for John under the pile of CEL-FI QUATRA boxes.
No more will we be digging into reels and reels of coax cable trying to find Mark.
We’re relieved to say the least!
Our new office has a wonderful open plan area with plenty of space for our amazing engineering team to plan their projects and work their magic.

The upstairs area will be dedicated to the management and marketing team. A zone for sales, blogging, web development and most importantly, amazing ideas!
We are extremely excited for this new chapter at Signal Solutions Head Quarters. Please pop in and say hello if you are in the area … the coffee and cakes will be coming with us!